Monday, April 30, 2012

ATTUNEMENT - Kundalini reiki II Degree Attunement Experiences Conducted by Reiki Master vijay kumar bali share by

Sharing  experiences of Kundalini reiki Attunement II conducted by reiki master vijay kumar bali. . 16 march 2012 by remote distance

Amna Mrkonjic ( Canada) by professional she is freelancer artist and reiki master 

Last night i was attuned for Kundalini Reiki level 2 from Master Vijay Kumar Bali .It was amasing experiance . First when attunment started my heands was geting hot more and more ,,,it was burning but i still didnt stop or move ,,after that i sow me in beutiful blue sky laying on one cloud ,,it was amasing feeling .Energy was coming thru my head ,,shoulders down to spine ,,i was litle scared because i got pain in shoulders and down spine and plexus,,pain was moving all around my uper body ,,i was chanting thru all process of attunment which was lovely experiance ,,after that my right leg was shaking for some reson but i never stoped my attunment .Us time goes pain was going away , my heands was getting cooler all body was settling .i know it ,,feel it my attunment is done .I am Usui Reiki Master , I was attuned before on distance ,but never feel this strong energy like i did from Master Vijay . God bless you in your journey and God bless all lovely souls that get attuned and chose Reiki path .Thank you dear Vjay for helping all people around worled to be healthy, wealthy and happy .Thanx once again lovely soul for giving me this oportunuity TO BE PART OF YOUR JOURNEY .

                                        2 experiences

Good morning Sir, I am working in karuna reiki for long- 2 time and I read some article and experience of your in internet and than my intuition told me need to learnt kundalini reiki I connected to you and got the first degree that is very different experience which I already sent to you. But this time when i registered the second degree attunement but five days before we got plan to go Portblair Island ( India)  , I was confused how to take the attunement Kundalini reiki II, even I got the idea to drop this time for this I talked to reiki master vijay kumar bali about this hurdle he told me  you will attuned not worry keep going your journey of port blair ( India) and enjoy it , I am little  confuse how possible but being believe on reiki master vijay kumar bali I continued my journey and got all instruction from Reiki master vijay kumar bali.  I reached Port Blair Island (India) with my family and my husband fixup site seen to Portblair Island ( india) on the way of sight seen I saw a very beautiful Old hut I didn’t knew my heart told me stop, I told my husband I like to see that hut my husband requested driver to stop the car and went to old hut in forest and as soon as saw hut inside my innerself told me this place for your second degree attunement which is fixed by reiki master vijay kumar bali.. I requested my husband I like to sit hear for meditation my husband surprised because It is middle of forest but after some time got ready, I went in side hut and sited on cotton clothes and started the process as soon as I started I realize this hut have back life relation  that reason I saw this hut in my dream many time… and I further progress I started to getting Glimpse of Green water pond and villages and people and their activity it going on  and I don’t knew where I was but when i came back to my sense I surprised to find I was in hut than I opened my eyes and I felt my body, mind and soul is very light and felt some karm relation is clear with this place and flow of energy in my hand is very strong which I didn’t saw in my karuan reiki master degree then I cameout from hut and my husband told me i sited more than one hour and I tell you sir I didn’t sited such long duration my meditation  most of time I finished my meditation  in 30 mintues.. So it is surprised for me how I sitted such long time in dense forest even I am very soft heart and easily afraid for any small thing .  So It is mircle for me because I got attunement unknown place which I have seen most of time in my dream… So sir it all credit go to  you and now understand why you told me enjoy your journey . thanks and regard to you…. I also find Rudrash Tree in forest and I collected it for you sir because it is very natural...….soon , I am very satisfied with attunement..

Thanks and regards


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