Mail from clint for Treatment for Reiki Master Vijay Kumar Bali
My husband, Ajay Kumar Sharma (dob 23rd january 1965) was detected with abdomen tuberculosis in february 2012. He is a central govt officer and was posted to Jodhpur in march 2011, He faced hostile environment and boss there, which caused lot of stress to him. From feb 2012 to march 2012 he was treated by doctor in dwarka, delhi. But when he suggested laproscopic surgery we consulted our own doctors in jalandhar and is still under their treatment. However after checkup from jalandhar,on 29th july he was detected sugar. Meanwhile one positive event has happened that he has been issued transfer orders back from jodhpur to delhi only two days back which has also reduced lot of stress on him.Presently he is having medical problems of abdomen tb,sugar and other related problems like loss of apetite,weight loss etc, The latest on 19th july showed significant improvement in tb treatment but eruption of fever and sugar has again deteriorated his health.After getting this mail in few day Ajay kumar Treatment has started by Reiki master vijay kumar bali The main problem clint was don't want to admit in hospital even his fever was continuing for two month and his wife was Teacher in very reputed school and she already taken all her leave. Even all medical doctor/ Adviser suggested go to hospital to took insulin to control the Sugur but Patient Ajay kumar was not ready and was tired with Medical treatment which he was facing many month. Reiki master vijay kumar bali also suggested to took doctor advice but he told he has full faith on reiki .So after all reiki master vijay kumar bali started the treatment and miracle was started happend in few week his fever gone and his Surger which is not coming down many month from 275 up and 145 down stage became normal in two month and he has joined the office after three month as Joint commissioner of Delhi and very oblige to master Vijay kumar bali and reiki for his treatment.....
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