HOLLY S. MILLER ( United State)
Hi there, wanted to message you before I forgot and so you would have upon your return, how it went. I did not have the same experience this time. I guess in the back of my head I assumed it would have been the same! silly 

All of that was at the beginning. Then I felt tremendous Heat in my head - all over but in my head. I was almost sweating. This lasted about 2-5 minutes. The whole experience lasted about 23 minutes which was exactly the same time as last time First Degree Kundalini Reiki Attunement which you have given last week.
Anyway, I felt a great heaviness in my lower half of the body, not the legs or extremities. I saw white in my head but not as intense as last time and no other colors and it was of no particular shape. There was a moment when I saw kind of a soft yellow to red color briefly in a circular or ball shape. I did have thoughts coming and going tha I had to "put aside" seemed a little more than last time.
thanks Reiki Master Vijay Kumar Bali
DR. Swasti ( Delhi, India) By Profession she is Dentist in Delhi and Running own center Her experiences which she share us
I am really happy n thank ful to bali ji for helping me in gtng my smile n laughter back. After kundalini 1 attuenment i hav vry specifically noticed many positive changrs in my life. So i decided to take kundalini 2. It es scheduled at 10 pm. But 10 mins bfr only sm sensation started at d back of my heart chakra. So i started it following all instructions by bali ji. And The moment i wrlcomed attuenment i faced severe pain in back of my heart chakra. I managed to sit straight. And widin few mins pain vanished. Aft sm tym i felt sm sensation in my right palm wch was indication dat attuenment was done. I looked at the clock it was just 15 mins so i decided to continue. But surprisingly itching startrd in my whole body. I had to stop it der n den. I know its all energy n its way to communicate. Thank u bali ji for this attuenment n wonderful experience.Thanks and Regards
Reiki Master Vijay Kumar Bali
SIR , I have started the attunement according to your instruction and time as soon as i sited i felt Tingling on my head and my body starting to heat , my thoughts was also disturbed me but your idea help me come out that unnecessary thoughts i felt etching many part of body but i continue my journey than again saw Florence while light moving on my head after that i didn't knew what happened when i got up it is around 45 minutes and felt body and mind wise very calm and silence and feeling very light weight of my body...
So thanks master for you Wonderful service. God bless you always due to wonderful service...
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